
by Rosangela C. Taylor

There is no end nor new beginnings

Jul 10, 2017 | Blog

New Beginnings

Photo of a gift bag: New Beginnings, by Rosangela C. Taylor @Pictorial_ Spells

     There is no end nor new beginnings, because it’s all a continuous flow.

      From a spiritual point of view, there is no end or beginning in life. Everything is in flux, a constant stream of transformations. Even Heraclitus (– c540-c480 BC) said it. “All is flux. Nothing stays still”

      That’s one way of seeing things. But the human mind understands and explains life in a limited way, thus, ends and beginnings have quite some weight in life interpretation.

      Looking at life only from a 3D standpoint, we do find ends. The end of a book, the end of a relationship, the end of an era… From dead ends to dead batteries to dead people. It all ends, one way or another.

      Pregnancy, birth, and death are transformations from one phase into another. Yes, one could say that each of those phases got to an end, and as another phase started it was a new beginning. Like the end of the cocoon stage into a butterfly.

      But it’s all in the words. Ends, beginnings… What it is, at its very core, is transition. That is the flux Heraclitus was talking about. Where nothing remains unchanged.

      It’s a matter of perspective, which is abstract and personal. Nevertheless, perspectives are like shoes; we can always try a new one and see which fits better. You may choose to interpret a change in life as an end of one thing (which may cause emotional stress), and if you have a positive outlook on life you may even see, in the same situation, the possibility of a new beginning (which can trigger better feelings); or you may simply choose to see that change as a natural transition, without labels, judgment or emotions attached to it.

      When we change our perspective from looking at an end with mourning to looking for what’s next, we not only avoid the trap of being in a low-vibe state, we also revive ourselves. We bring new light and renewed interests into life.


 Changes bring ends, and ends bring changes

      Let’s keep using the words ends and beginnings here, just for clarity’s sake. But understand that we are actually talking about transitions.

      Changes always bring an end to something: what was is now different. Thus, the different is always a new beginning (remember: flux => transformation => transition). Some changes are highly desired. Those are not difficult to deal with. They are actually fun; they are dreams coming true.

      However, some changes bring undesired ends. And these, bring even more changes. That’s the case of the death of loved ones or any sort of unwanted separation. They are the kind of ends that hurt a lot and it’s difficult to see a bright side or a new beginning in situations like that. Having a balanced mind and emotions, and a clear and positive outlook toward life makes the transition more bearable. And of course, choosing a different perspective can remove all suffering.

      A less traumatic example of end and change, but still quite common and responsible for many people’s stress and depressive state is retirement. Some people just don’t deal well with retirement. First, it’s all that they want; then, when they finally retire they feel empty and lost. That’s because most people connect being retired to being old and useless. Retirement equals the end of a phase where they were active, younger, stronger and needed. Therefore, they end up blocking the natural flow of new things by being too attached to the notion of an “end”, missing out on the great beginnings that are awaiting.

      It’s not much different in romantic relationships. When a couple splits, usually one of them is terribly hurt and has a hard time looking ahead and seeing new beginnings because he or she is too attached to the end of a phase. Clinging to what was and to the illusion of what has never been, or what could have been but never was, weakens the person’s ability to see what actually is, and what can be ahead as a new beginning.

A new beginning may also be where we first started

      Here’s another perspective: the new may be in the old.

      Sometimes, going back to square one seems like failure, regression, defeat. But let’s look again at what is in square one. Maybe it has the very solution we are looking for.

      Things change all the time, that’s a sure thing. So, even when we go back to where we started we are up to new beginnings because things are not the same there, either, since we left.

       Here’s a personal example of changes and back to the beginning. When my husband and I got married and after living in a few other countries for the first two years, our first American home was in Wisconsin. It was 2001. Two years later, we decided to shake things up and we moved to Brazil. Two more years later, because of a job opportunity, we moved back to the USA, this time to Illinois, and here we have stayed for twelve years. We have been alright here, despite the state’s problems, but we have always missed Wisconsin and we have always wished to move back there. So, we decided to pack our gear, so to speak, and go have fun again in that beautiful land of milk and honey.

      Sixteen years passed since we first moved to Wisconsin (2001) and now we are back to where we started (2017). Many things have changed; we have changed, so we are not really going back to the exact beginning because that situation is not the same anymore. It’s new, and it’s better! The end of that phase was necessary to reveal to us certain things and give us certain experiences we wouldn’t have otherwise. We went through new challenges, new perspectives, new people that we welcomed in our story. Then, the end of all those phases was also necessary to lead us to this new beginning, even though it’s in the same place we started before. My lesson learned is: the old has nothing to be feared; it may carry the potential for some great renovation.


Make your new beginnings your coloring book

Bold new beginnings

      Choose your colors. Be bold, cheerful. Open up for new and bright possibilities. 

      Dare to color your pages in unconventional ways. Own your authenticity and honor your creativity. Be alive!

      We all need to stir up things in our existence, every now and then. Or we become too comfortable, too secure, too complacent. Too dull. And then we cease growing. (You know, the proverbial “stuck in a rut” feeling.)

      Embrace some discomfort and keep going.

      My message to you today is: do not fear the ends, nor the beginnings they bring. Just embrace them and all that they teach you, and look at the bright side: it’s all about transition.

      Look for new beginnings in every transformation; enjoy them, learn with them, grow with them.

      You’ll feel renewed, happier, and vibrating in a higher frequency. The side effect of it is a more balanced, healthier, and plentiful life.

      Celebrate your transitions. They make you stronger.


      Love & Light,


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