by Rosangela C. TaylorCreative healing might just be what you need

Photo (infused with healing energy) by Rosangela C. Taylor @Pictorial_Spells
Creative healing is more than art, it’s a way to (re)connect you with your divine portion. Yet, many people are afraid of or uncomfortable with being creative. Why is so?
I believe it’s fear of being criticized and ridiculed by showing their most genuine expressions and ideas. Many adults were children who did not receive support and encouragement when they expressed their own way of thinking and creating. They received harsh criticism for being different from the norm. Many grew up in an environment that never taught them or encouraged their creative endeavors. Thus, those kids have become adults who don’t know how to express themselves creatively.
How can life be affected by a lack of creativity?
Some of the side effects of a non-creative life are limited thoughts, rigidity, lack of mental clarity, difficulty in seeing solutions, tendency to be stuck in a rut for not being used to thinking outside of the box, and ultimately, mental and physical dis-ease for lack of mind expansion.
When I assign a writing project to my (adult) students, they freeze. Their facial expression changes, their eyes get that look of panic. They show resistance and say they are not creative at all, they can’t write an essay because they aren’t artistic enough. I explain then that being creative is not limited to making art.
You don’t need to be a painter, a sculptor, or a poet to understand that you are creative, too. And if you insist you aren’t creative, I’ll tell you this: there are ways to create creativity! How about that?
Creativity is the ability to see what is beyond the ordinary. That’s it! It’s to use your beautiful neurons to find alternatives. When Indiana Jones was locked in the Well of Souls with hundreds of snakes, he used observation and imagination (i.e. creativity) to find a way out – while the lady with him was only screaming and panicking, totally blocking her creative thinking.
You may say, “Okay, that’s just a movie… c’mon!” Yes, and a movie is an art, and art imitates life.
Life can also imitate art! That’s when we make adjustments and transform it! Based on life, someone makes art; then, based on that art one can live his life. Such a life can be an inspiration to another art; and yet, another life might be modified from that art. Each new creation will emulate the former. But it will be different in its own way; will be adjusted, perfected, and it will be unique. This is creativity, right there! It’s just another way of seeing the same thing. And seeing yourself, too!
How to use creativity to heal
Maybe you experience some sort of body ailment, pain, or dis-ease? Is there something that you feel is getting you stuck in life, apathetic, depressed, insecure, afraid, etc? Perhaps you deal with emotional wounds, traumas, and discomforts? Or, maybe you know someone in such situations?
We all need some help, to one degree or another. Even healers do! I’m a certified energy-healing practitioner and I don’t dispense the help of other healers. There is always something to be improved and many different methods to do it.
Being creative is one of them
Remember, creativity is the ability to see what’s beyond the ordinary. Thus, when my trainees resist being creative I ask them to relax their thoughts and find alternatives to what they see. To approach their resistance from a different angle and describe a subject matter from that angle (of non-resistance), making use of the language rules they have learned. The key is to free their thoughts and organize them coherently. That’s basically how an essay is born. Then, they say, “Oh, that? Okay, that I can do!”
So, the first step is to remove their blinds and blocks so they recognize that they can, indeed, be creative. It’s the same with all of us. We must allow it to flow, allow our creativity to surface, and it will.
With that in mind, let’s dive now into the world of natural healing. And explore a little bit of Creative Healing.
Finding Healing in Creativity
In case you are not familiar with Creative Healing, it’s an energy healing modality that some intuitive healers use by creating artistic pieces and infusing them with healing and loving energy.
They may be simple or complex creations: photos, paintings, sculptures, needlework, poems, creative pieces made from repurposed material, music, etc. The artist may infuse the art piece during its creation, or after it’s done; or both. The key point is the intense connection the artist establishes with the Greater Mind (Creator, Source, Spirit, God, etc). It’s the true and loving intentions, the Light and healing energy impregnated in that art piece that will make the greatest difference in its overall vibration.
After that, the vibration in that piece will resonate with the vibration of the person using the object, however, it will be much more effective when the person (the receiver of the infused art) activates such energy. That is, consciously allows that divine energy to come in and be part of her or his energetic field.
As a result, people who have those pieces around are surrounded by more healing and loving energy.
We can use crystals, charms, and sound frequencies to aid us in several different processes of healing. Likewise, we can use healing-infused art pieces.
Healing-infused creations
We may buy an infused artistic piece or receive one as a gift, specially made for us with a special purpose. Better yet, we can make our own healing art! Everyone can connect with Source. Everyone can be creative. Everyone can be a healer. Four major things are necessary:
1. Pure Intention: You must really want to experience this power.
2. Trust: You must completely trust the Universal Love and Power (Source).
3. Connection: You must establish a strong connection with Source (one way is by quieting your mind). Let Source be in you, as you. Allow the Light. Welcome the inspiration.
4. Pour all your good feelings into what you are doing. Be present and infuse your creation with abundant Light, love, trust, compassion, joy, and gratitude.
When we open our hearts, when we trust and send our most pure intentions of love and healing to another person, to a specific part our our body, to a glass of water, to animals and plants, to foods, and to objects their vibration changes as well. That’s when healing and peace start taking place.
Raise your vibration with creativity
To make something creative like a piece of art, for example – and enjoy the process – is a good way to raise our personal vibration. In fact, every time we feel joy we raise our vibration. That, in itself, is already healing. That high vibration is also transmitted to whatever we are doing – in this case, we are specifically talking about an artistic object that can aid someone during a healing process.
The creator of that art is the first one to benefit from such an expression of creativity and infusion of love. That’s universal Law: everything that we express or project comes back to us. We send love and healing energy, we sure get it back, intensified! (And yes, the opposite is true, too. So, watch what you express and project into the Universe!)
Creating a piece of art and infusing it with healing energy can be a great gift to someone you wish to see in great health, and it can be for yourself, as well. If you write a poem, or make some jewelry, or even if you write your intentions on a journal or make a cake – all that can be infused by you, with love and healing energy. Even if you don’t consider yourself an intuitive healer. Remember: the key is pure intentions!
It’s not that the healing will magically come from a painting that was infused with love and healing intentions, or from the words you jotted in your journal (although that is possible, too); but primarily because when we create something with focused and unconditional love we activate the Creator in us! And that’s the main path to healing ourselves and helping others.
Creative healing is an option
Creativity, or creative works, may not be the complete or the only tool you need, but it can certainly aid in the process of feeling better. Adopting a new creative approach to heal yourself is an option you have.
I’ve heard that some people experiencing PTSD symptoms have found improvement in their health by drawing mandalas; others have improved their cognitive senses and life’s outlook by reducing stress when they work on coloring books; others have found balance in their throat chakra when they sing.
Remember the four basic steps:
- Set a true intention to use your imagination and be creative in order to find yourself.
- Trust the universal energy and your personal energy are one; that will raise your vibration immediately.
- Feel that connection with Source. Let it sink in and you will experience a great sense of well-being.
- Then, infuse your work with Love. Pour all your good intentions into what you are doing. Feel your healing piece impregnated with Light, love, trust, compassion, joy, and gratitude.
By making art – or being creative in any form – we expand our senses; we touch other universes and, most importantly, we connect to our own universe. Our True Self. We leave that state of stuckness that we find ourselves in now and then. We change paradigms, we see beyond. Therefore, we free our souls. When we free our souls – even if for a few minutes – we modify the state of our cells, because we change our frame of mind. Our mood, our breathing, our whole vision change. And so does our energetic frequency. That is super therapeutic!
Creatively applying what you learn about natural healing
I am not implying that being creative and doing artistic activities is a sure way to rid you of all diseases. There are cases and cases; some illnesses, personal blocks, and old programming may require more than that.
What I’m saying here is that creativity is one of the many roads to Energy Healing. When you are seeking inner balance, stress reduction, a sense of wonder, joy, and connection with the Whole, give your creativity a chance to be expressed and to help you. It will calm your mind and soothe your spirit. And that is healing on some level!
By calming and pleasing the mind we heal the emotions, and thus the physical body. All happens from within, but we do need to take action!
That explains why I feel so good when I doodle; when I write (poems included); when I dance; when I make astounding photographs. Also when I create a new, individually tailored class – that’s all loaded with loving, creative feelings!
Now, next time you’re doing something creative (it can be an artistic project, or it can be just a new approach you’re trying), focus on putting love and healthy intentions into it. Observe how soothing it is. How your well-being increases. Infuse high-vibration thoughts in your creative piece or activity. It can be a piece of art or a new dish you are making up tonight, or a business project, or a plan for your next trip. Whatever it is, when you use your creativity to expand your senses and widen your vision, you feel better because you find new ways, beauty, and joy. And there is always healing in feeling good.
Many Blessings,
Rose T.
My gift to you!
The photo featured in this article, Solar Plexus Mandala, is one of my creations this week. I made this mandala from a photo I took at the car wash: it’s my windshield being washed!
Then, I manipulated the forms and colors captured by my camera to create a mandala. I brought my attention and intentions to the Sun and I infused the image with Love and Healing Energy, so everyone who looks at this image receives, on a soul level, the benefits and loving vibration it emanates.
Feel free to right-click on the Solar Plexus Mandala and save the image on your device. You may use it as a screen saver; or print and place it where you can see it often, be inspired and full of vibrant energy. If you’d like to have a larger copy of this photo (3264 X 1836 pixels), let me know. I’ll gladly send one to your email via Google Drive. It’s my healing offer to you! 🙂
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