
by Rosangela C. Taylor

Feelings during the awakening process

May 16, 2017 | Blog

Transitional feelings during the awakening process

Photo by Rosangela C. Taylor @Pictorial_Spells, of the acrylic painting “Stone Arch Bridge I”, by Chuck Taylor (permission granted). See other beautiful paintings and greeting cards by the artist, here.

Transitional feelings during the awakening process can be quite a challenge. Beginners on this journey, here is a heads-up for you.

If you have already started your awakening process, you know what I mean by transitional feelings. If you are just starting it, this can be a heads-up: you will probably face many doubts and you’ll feel like giving up, then in the next day or so you’ll feel a wonderful sense of confidence, comfort and harmony inside you. Next, you are back to square one and in a few days you are shining again. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?

It seems that to reach a state of enlightenment we have to cross many bridges. And they are not all pretty. They can be shaky and scary bridges, too. However, we must be aware that we are the ones shaking the bridge, and we are only scared because we can’t see what’s on the other side, yet.

The more we advance, the blurrier it becomes. Until, at one point, we start having glimpses of the Light, and the transition becomes clear and smooth; a real walk in the park.

It’s true that it can take some time. More for some people, less for others; it all depends on each individual’s ability to quickly let go of programs, old and unfavorable beliefs and rigid thoughts. Nevertheless, in this meantime the awakening process can be quite confusing and hard to deal with. Some days we are glowing and super confident; others, we relapse and all seems in vain. But take heed, become aware of this and alsobe  aware of your thoughts, feelings, and reactions. Just observe yourself. It’s a journey, and it’s healing.

Feelings During the Awakening Process

The poem below sprung out of me one day when I was observing my state of emotional transitions. Can you relate to it?


Becoming Aware

I am serene
and suddenly angry.

I’m mad and sad,
then grumpy and glad,

also enlightened
and balanced.

I feel all at once

it’s a different nuance

I may be sleeping,

or I may be awakening.

I’m the moon and the sun,

I’m on and off

just trying to have some fun.

Scintillating, oscillating…

Skeptical goddess

Running away

Night and day

Here and there

Perhaps nowhere,

Yet, omnipresent.


Becoming aware.

Duality and some confusion – expressions of awakening transitions – are strong elements in this poem. But notice that the last stanza brings a hint of acceptance, culminating with awareness in the last three lines.

Illustrated by the poem is  the concept of  Yin and Yang. And that’s what we are, in fact. Not necessarily opposed forces, but complementary energies. We just need to be aware of them, and let them be and flow. Once aware, Yin and Yang become balanced, and that’s all we need to experience harmony.

Dealing with transitions

When I first started noticing such an instability of feelings, I got a little scared. After all, I was trying to get better, not worse!

In my experience, the best way to cope with this (apparent) insanity that is feeling wonderful now and like crap in the next minute, is to let it go. Not to fight it; not to judge, justify or explain it. Simply let it be there, recognize that feeling for what it is, and then, just blow it away! Blow it like if you were one of those gusts of wind we see in cartoons, roaring and reshaping everything in the way. Take a deep breath and exhale with vigor, or just use your imagination, and let those emotions go. Then, enjoy the sensation. It’s very refreshing and releasing.

If this sounds impossible or unfamiliar to you, you definitely must check The Sedona Method (more info here). Once you learn – and incorporate in your life – the golden practice of releasing stuck feelings and emotions you will experience a whole new state of being. The scary and shaky bridges won’t be in your awakening picture anymore. Transitions will be much smoother.

By observation, self-experiment, and exploration of new ideas and tools (including the Sedona Method), I learned to be more patient, to persevere, to be more diligent, to start over, to be nicer to myself, and overall, to trust the process. I also learned that those low-vibration feelings naturally pass, if we just don’t cling to them.

In addition, QiGong has taught me a lot, too. Feelings are energy and energy must flow. Stuck energy is what causes imbalances. So, especially during times of instability, honor your transitions, your feelings, and your experiences. And let them flow away!

Happy Letting Go,


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