by Rosangela C. TaylorHow to create a fairy-tale life

Photo of a fairy garden accessory on a tree trunk: Fairy-Tale Life, by Rosangela C. Taylor @Pictorial_Spells
A fairy-tale can be a drama with a happy ending; or it can have only magic and bright moments all the way. Which fairy tale is yours?
Fairy tales are not exactly good examples of an easy, loving, and wonderful life. But play with me here, and let’s open the door to a magical, fascinating, fairy-tale life!
In regular fairy tales, the princess is usually under a terrible spell and suffers some kind of distress; there is always a malignant character trying to kill her; the prince, supposedly a hero, is always too soft, immature, and takes forever to get something right. The other elements in the tale hinder more than help… until the curtain falls.
Then, the glass slipper fits the right foot, the sleeping lady awakes with a kiss, the truth is revealed, a golden door opens and everybody lives happily ever after. Well, except the witch, which is so unjustly represented by an evil character.
No, you don’t want to live a fairy-tale like that, do you? You just want a magic key that opens the door to a life full of enchantment and beauty. Where is that key? And why does it seem so difficult to live the life of your dreams?
Get Ready to Meet the Fairies
In order to live a magical life you must vibrate in that same frequency. If you are constantly thinking how difficult it is to live happily, then you are out of tune. You’ll need to make some adjustments in your way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Let’s put this way: to meet the fairies you must be one of them.
First, pay more attention to a few things, such as your thoughts, feelings and words. Being more alert and aware of your thoughts and feelings will help you change your perspectives and old programs.
Once you realize your emotions are not being favorable or letting you in a state of well-being, then it’s time to consciously take another direction.
Yes, it seems hard at first, but it’s doable. Remember, you are in control of your reality. Changing paradigms is the only way to allow for the new to come in. So, if you want to open the door to a fascinating life you must first stop blocking that door with old baggage. If the door to a magical life seems shut and stuck you are probably stuck, as well. When you allow for new thoughts, feelings, and actions you then reach a different state of mind. That’s when the magic starts to happen.
So, back to the question “Where is the key to a fairy-tale life?” – the answer is, “Within you.” You are the very key that opens that magic door.
On the other side of that door there is a new inner world, but to experience it you must let the changes happen. There isn’t a lot more to do besides acknowledging that there is a beautiful universe in there, and not out there, that you haven’t explored yet.
The Character Within
It’s not the world outside you that is going to heal you and bring you joy and accomplishments. It sure looks like that because that’s the way we have been programmed to understand the world. But in truth, the real magic resides within.
Life can indeed be a fairy tale when we acknowledge that we are the very fairies, and knights, and heroes, and good and bad witches, and dwarfs, and unicorns, and ogres… depending on how we interpret life. Thus, whatever we stand for, inside, will reflect outside. And, yes, it will come back to us (in different shapes and categories), which makes us believe it’s all coming from outside. But it’s only pure resonance of what you have been emitting.
You create your thoughts, and thoughts are energy. What you think and feel inside is energy shaping and reshaping your external life. Not the other way around.
In other words, you and every one of us create our own reality from the inside out. For some, it’s a magical story; for others, a total disaster. In any case, that is the story we call “our life” and we believe it is our fixed reality. And we keep feeding it.
Such a reality influences the rest of the world and reflects back on us. That’s an important thing to consider, isn’t it? The way we are creating and accessing our inner world is the foundation for what we are experiencing emotionally, mentally, and physically. And it affects our outer world, as well.
So, who are you in your tale? Are you thinking and living life like a soft, lame, sissy prince? Perhaps like a not-so-bright princess? A victim? The evil queen? Who else can you find within? Maybe it’s time to begin new explorations, (re)designing your own characters and changing your tale!
Create Your Fairy Tale
Besides acknowledging who and where you are and what you want next, there are two fundamental steps to follow:
First: Be open to changes and different outcomes, without being attached to the results;
Second: Trust the flow.
In the process, be aware of your frequency. How are vibrating? If low, you must raise your vibration to be a match to what you are expecting.
Maybe it’s time to stop conjuring up all sorts of bad, painful things that could happen, and be open to the beauty that is actually happening, right now. Instead of using your personal energy and power of visualization to create more trouble for yourself, use it to create beautiful thoughts; thoughts of love and connection to the Universe. And just trust.
How Would Your Fairy-Tale Life Look Like?
Even if you think of something that seems impossible or not feasible at the moment, spend some time with it. It’s more productive to visualize a pleasant situation than to put a damper on it. Let the soul expand. Expansion leads to Light; conversely, restriction and constraint lead to shrinking and annihilation.
For example: if you are going to spend some time and personal energy with thoughts and visualizations that bring you down; that puts you in a state of frustration, lack, anxiety, stress, fear, and discomfort – which are very unhealthy and unnecessary, why wouldn’t you instead just use the same time and energy to visualize something better? You will feel better! That’s the key, right there! You will vibrate at a different frequency, one that matches what you really want.
So, go ahead and open that door. Make changes. Be your own fairy. Or Elf, if you will. Bring magic to your story.
Go inside yourself and clean up your soul. Move energy. Get rid of what is stagnant and what isn’t beneficial anymore. Revive. Spruce up that tale. It’s yours! Live your creation with joy!
Live happily ever after!
A Fairy Note:
I went for a walk in the park nearby and I saw this magic door on a tree trunk (my photo above). As I live in a fairy tale, it caught my eyes right away. The day was a little cloudy, but even so, I reached out for my phone (camera). The sun rays, then, just appeared for my photo, at that exact moment, shining through the leaves of the tree and making that beautiful reflection on the picture, a magic rainbow. As soon as I finished shooting, the sun went in again. Isn’t this a good sign of living in a fairy tale? I just happened to be in the right place, at the right time. And the sun came out to tell me so! 🙂
How about your fairy tale? Please, share your thoughts; we’d love to hear them!
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