by Rosangela Taylor | Blog
There are serious and strong interests behind the hysteria that has been orchestrated in the world. Please make an effort and you, too, will see the men behind the curtains. Even Jesus said in the New Testament: “For those who have eyes to see, let them see…”
I hope you see where I’m going with this.
by Rosangela Taylor | Blog
We are losing so much by not paying attention to our emotions, senses, and feelings. While we think we are more connected to everything and everyone, we are, in fact, less connected to the Whole, and losing track of ourselves (our True-Selves).
by Rosangela Taylor | Blog
When you make something creative, a piece of art, for example, you raise your vibration. That, in itself, is already healing. That high vibration can also be transmitted to the artistic object, which can aid […]
by Rosangela Taylor | Blog
Transformation requires the end of something. Like the end of the cocoon stage into a butterfly. Does that concept of death or separation put you in a low-vibe kind of state? Undesired ends require a lot of emotional […]
by Rosangela Taylor | Blog
There is a whole universe behind that door. You create your thoughts, and thoughts are energy. What you think and how you feel inside shapes your external life. So, to open that door to a beautiful life you need to […]
by Rosangela Taylor | Blog
We have to cross many bridges to reach enlightenment. And they are not all pretty. They can be shaky and scary – but we must notice that we are the ones who are shaking the bridge, and we are only scared because we […]